Anyway, with all that in mind, Kate was off tracking Norton and Sayid was doing what he does best: surprising would-be assassins with awesomeness. It may be hard to talk while being choked, but the fake doc did give up the address of his next target: Kate. When Jack and Kate follow Norton, they see him meeting in a motel wtih.....with Claire's Mom! Except....she doesn't know who Aaron is. She just has the same lawyer (there are no coincidences on Lost). Which means it was Ben (always guess Ben for string-pulling manipulation. Or Charles Widmore). Last takeaway off-island: if you're having trouble figuring out the perfect Valentine's Day gift, never underestimate the appeal of a box of chocolates....and a gun.
Now back to the island, full of fun new twists of time. At the end of season 4, I worried the left-behinders would seem like the reject story after most of the main characters left. How wrong I was. First up, they flash to the night of Boone's death. When Sawyer watches Kate deliver Aaron....that might be the most I've ever cared about the Sawyer/Kate relationship. Try to watch that and not go "awwww." Didn't work, did it? Before Sawyer can repress that emotion in a manly way, he's back to the future. So who are the canoe-goers, presumably new to the island? Charles Widmore's people? Or could it be the returned Oceanic Six? With Charlotte, Miles, and now Juliet all catching the "really bad jet lag," those Six better get back pronto.
Finally, the reveal that Jin is alive. Forgive me for not sounding more surprised, but that's what happens when you leave his name in the opening credits all season long. We don't know how he survived out in the water for a day or two, but we do know he was rescued by a very young and very preggers Danielle Rousseau. Does that mean we get to see her go crazy and kill her shipmates?
This week's entry can't compare to "Jughead," but it was still a solid if somewhat transitionary episode. The Oceanic Six reconvened, we got cool clues to island past and future, and Sayid got to choke someone. Nothing bad there, and it looks like it will all pay off next week. As for lingering questions: what happened to Rose and Bernard (and Vincent)? Did they die in the fire arrow storm, or is Bernard still working on that fire? Right now, that goes above "smoke monster" on mysteries I want answered.
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