I do worry, though, that this may lead into the Hosea and Leah Show. Next week's promo just shows them cuddling and talking about how their relationship is so wrong/so right. Now, maybe Bravo's just taking a page from the CW, which once advertised an episode of Veronica Mars as being solely about a two-minute dinner scene with V's dad and boyfriend. But it's looking more like we may be heading into Real World territory. Once they've opened the door, it's only a matter of time before everybody sits around and talks (or sings) about their sexual orientation for an hour (yes, I was forced to watch last week's Real World premiere, and I want that hour of my life back).
On the other side of the spectrum, Stefan and Jamie had a bit of a lovers' spat. Neither seemed to do anything particularly odious, Jamie just already hated Stefan and Stefan enjoyed the hate (he thinks it's cute). Announcing himself as the sole cock (as in rooster) in the pen probably didn't win him any points (though he did love his own joke). But for all the bitching and fighting, they must have done something right, as they and teammate Carla took home the victory for their chicken meal. Will that make them get along better? Don't count on it.
Before I go, let's check in on new judge Toby Young. Last week, it seemed he cared more about making (often lame) jokes than about food. But as I hoped he would in week 2, he has mellowed....somewhat. There was nothing as bad as "Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder," but calling pesto "the big bad wolf" isn't too far off. Still, he actually talked about the food this week, so maybe he'll start doing his job. Somebody needs to just keep him away from similes and metaphors. Also, do you think Tom Colicchio really thinks Toby's that funny, or is it in his contract that he must laugh at every one of his jokes? I'm guessing the latter.
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