Sorry everyone for the prolonged hiatus. I'm not quite sure where the month of May went, but 7 posts in one month is completely unacceptable. I've got a ton of movie reviews I owe you, and there's a bunch of stuff happening in TV the past few weeks as well, but I'd like to start with a show that makes me smile like none other.
I'm talking of course about Pushing Daisies, which returned for its final (tear) three episodes this past Saturday, burned off by ABC not only during summer season, but on Saturdays. Really, they have more pressing things to put on every other night of the week? But while I'm sad I've now only got two episodes left, this past week reminded me of everything I'll be missing.
The facts were these: While the episode did not continue with the December cliffhanger that Ned's father is back and eating pie at the Pie Hole, it did provide everything a good Pushing Daisies episode needs. Wacky place of work for the murder to occur? Check. Rapid-fire dialogue filled with puns and alliteration? Double check. But what made it a great episode: Olive singing Lionel Ritchie's "Hello."
From the window display murders to the escaped-from-jail non-kidnappers, I felt happy the whole time I was watching. Sad that ABC can find room in its heart for bubble shows like already-aired-its-series-finale Scrubs, probably-has-a-lower-audience Better Off Ted, and who-really-watches-this-crap Private Practice but not for something as joyful as Pushing Daisies. Hard to see what show could possibly fill this niche.
Or is it?

I haven't managed to write about Glee yet, which had a sneak-peak pilot after the penultimate episode of American Idol a few weeks ago, but if any show will cause me to check my cynicism and just enjoy this fall the way Pushing Daisies has, this one gets my vote.
It's essentially High School Musical meets Election. An idealistic young teacher (Broadway's Matthew Morrison) with a crazy wife (Nip/Tuck, Heroes, everything's Jessalyn Gilsig) takes over the school Glee club, bringing together various typical high school misfits, one diva (Spring Awakening's Lea Michele), and one athlete. Plus Jane Lynch steals scenes as the cheerleading coach.
The Election part comes in as voiceovers are given to the teacher (who's essentially the Matthew Broderick character), the diva (a musical Tracey Flick), and the athlete (Chris Klein in Election crossed with Chris Klein in American Pie). It's also got just enough of a satirically comic bent that you don't dismiss the show as overly cheesy. As for the High School Musical part, it's very sincere and has a lot of singing.
Don't let that turn you away though. Casting Broadway actors means they can actually sing, and for now the sincere / funny ratio is nicely balanced. Plus, Kristin Chenowith is going to come on as recurring, helping to fill the Pushing Daisies void even better! Until creator Ryan Murphy pulls a Nip/Tuck and makes everything way too extreme to watch, this should be a worthy addition to a pretty weak fall schedule. Still not convinced? Watch this:
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