Glee (September 9th, 9-10 PM, Fox, NEW SHOW)
If you saw the pilot last May (and if you haven't, do it now), you know this is heading into the fall as frontrunner for best new show. As hard as that performance of "Don't Stop Believing" may be to top, the news that there will be 2 soundtracks in 2009 alone to cover all the songs leaves me very hopeful.
Gossip Girl (September 14th, 9-10 PM, The CW)
Will Gossip Girl avoid the college curse that's plagued every high school show ever? Since we never actually saw them in high school, and NYU barely counts as college, they stand as good a chance as anyone. Just as long as it's not another season of "omg Blair & Chuck 4eva omg."
The Office (September 17th, 9-9:30 PM, NBC)
Jim and Pam get married! Other than that, we'll really see the writers' creativity in keeping this show going into its sixth(!) season.
Community (September 17th, 9:30-10 PM, NBC, NEW SHOW)
A chance to see Joel McHale do something other than make fun of Speidi/Ryan Seacrest/Miley? I'm so there (as long as I can still get my weekly Soup fixings on Friday).
Curb Your Enthusiasm (September 20th, 9-9:30 PM, HBO)
This show's still on? After however many seasons, Larry David's found a surefire way to get people to watch: Seinfeld reunion! Guess he wins, cause I'll be watching.
Bored to Death (September 20th, 9:30-10 PM, HBO, NEW SHOW)
Sure, it's cool that the cast consists of Jason Schwartzman, Ted Danson, and The Hangover's Zach Galifinokusableskiver (maybe someday I'll learn his name, but today is not that day). But the real reason I'm excited? The theme song. Wouldn't be the first time I watched a show just for its theme song (that would be Angel).
How I Met Your Mother (September 21st, 8-8:30 PM, CBS)
Barney & Robin! Ted's at Columbia! The mother's in his class! 100th episode musical spectacular! All of which suggests this season will be legen - wait for it...
Heroes (September 21st, 8-9 PM, NBC)
I know I wrote a whole post on how Heroes' fourth volume wasn't as bad as everyone said, but that doesn't mean I'm actually looking forward to the new season. It's go big or go home time for Heroes, cause I don't think anyone will put up with another year of coasting by.
...dary! Legendary!
The Good Wife (September 22nd, 10-11 PM, CBS, NEW SHOW)
This so doesn't seem like my kind of show, but critics seem to be enjoying it. And there's absolutely nothing else AT ALL on Tuesday nights. So maybe I'll check it out? We'll see.
Modern Family (September 23rd, 9-9:30 PM, ABC, NEW SHOW)
Count this as another one the critics (may or may not) have convinced me to watch. Sounds like a pretty standard family sitcom to me, but supposedly it's hilarious. Maybe I should actually watch a promo...
Cougar Town (September 23rd, 9:30-10 PM, ABC, NEW SHOW)
Ok, promos aren't going to help on this one, but it's Bill Lawrence! The Scrubs man himself! So I've got to at least give it a try.
Flash Forward (September 24th, 8-9 PM, ABC, NEW SHOW)
People keep calling it "the next Lost", thinking it will fool all of us die-hard Lost fans into watching. They're right. I can't wait. Whether it lasts past the pilot to become a great series or suffers The Nine syndrome (which many critics fear), at least it won't be an NCIS spin-off.
Dollhouse (September 25th, 9-10 PM, Fox)
Yes! After getting hooked this summer, this is one of my most anticipated returning shows. Adding to my excitement is their decision to go all-out geek this year, with guest/recurring roles by BSG's Apollo and Colonel Tigh, Summer Glau of Firefly fame, and Buffy and Angel's Alexis Denisof (aka Mr. Alyson Hannigan). Now we just need to get Amy Acker's show canceled so we can have our Whiskey back.
Saturday Night Live (September 26th, 11:30 PM-1 AM, NBC)
New girls were cast. Other girls were kicked off. Still nobody can do a decent Obama.
The Cleveland Show (September 27th, 8:30-9 PM, Fox, NEW SHOW)
Even though I no longer regularly watch Family Guy, I'd still like to give the spin-off a look. Can't be as bad as American Dad, right?
Dexter (September 27th, 9-10 PM, Showtime)
Yes! My #1 most anticipated show of the fall. No matter what the storylines, I'm always happy to watch Dexter, Deb, Rita, and the rest. And with John Lithgow's Trinity Killer, the return of FBI Agent Lundy, and domesticated Dexter now married with a baby, this season should up the watercooler factor even further.
South Park (October 7th, 10-10:30 PM, Comedy Central)
South Park likes to alternate between smart, satirical humor and stupid, gross humor. While the former may be less than 25% of the show, it's good enough that I trudge through the rest.
30 Rock (October 15th, 9:30-10 PM, NBC)
Why does NBC keep holding 30 Rock back a month? If season 4 starts better than last year's guest star marathon, I'll forgive them.
V (November 3rd, 8-9 PM, ABC, NEW SHOW)
Juliet vs. aliens? What's not to love? It's like a preview to the Lost series finale (I'm kidding....I hope).
So that's what I'm looking forward to. How about you? What new shows are you most excited to try, what returning favorites have left you in suspense all summer, and what shows are finally getting kicked off your DVR? That's what the comments are for.
Okay, Zander, you've convinced me. I'll check out Glee. Definitely gonna have to catch up on season one of Dollhouse before that starts, too. See? I told you that you have a big impact on the shows I decide to watch.
V is the big prize this fall. I loved the original miniseries, and I hope the turns out to be the next Lost. Also, I'm gonna put it out there: Elizabeth Mitchell edged out Evangeline Lily during season 5 in the battle of the Lost gals.
Yes, absolutely watch Glee. You should be able to find the pilot on hulu if you want to catch up before tonight. It's like Election: The Musical. And Dollhouse goes quick. First few episodes are just ok, but once it gets good it's addictive. And Juliet was ALWAYS cooler than Kate. Last season just made it even more obvious.
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