But what else? Here's five I'm looking at:
1. Fringe
I stopped watching early on since it had one of the worst pilots I've seen, but people say it's improved. I'm ready to believe an X-Filesish show from JJ Abrams could be my kind of show, so should it get a second chance?
2. Chuck
This is one of those shows I liked pretty well for 5 episodes or so but got behind and didn't bother to catch up. Is it time to do so.?
3. Breaking Bad
Loved the pilot, but the two-parter that followed was such a drag. Now that critics are calling it the second best show on TV (behind Mad Men, natch), I should probably see how episode 4 looks.
4. Better Off Ted
I said back when it premiered that I'd check in if this show gained any buzz. It's earned a second season, so should I?
5. The Big Bang Theory
A very conventional sitcom premise from the creator of Two and a Half Men? Why is this on my list? Well, cause critics can't stop talking about it. Anyone care to explain why?
Want to make a case for one of these five, or another show not on the list? If you haven't seen me writing about a show, it's probably fair game. Let me know in the comments.
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