Sunday, June 21, 2009

What Are the Best Shows I'm Not Watching?

Awhile back, I came up with a list of the best shows you're not watching. Now it's time for you to return the favor. Top Chef Masters and Weeds may take up some of my TV watching time, but summer's really about trying out shows I missed during the regular TV season. I've already marathoned Dollhouse (which I highly recommend), and True Blood is coming next.

But what else? Here's five I'm looking at:

1. Fringe
I stopped watching early on since it had one of the worst pilots I've seen, but people say it's improved. I'm ready to believe an X-Filesish show from JJ Abrams could be my kind of show, so should it get a second chance?

2. Chuck
This is one of those shows I liked pretty well for 5 episodes or so but got behind and didn't bother to catch up. Is it time to do so.?

3. Breaking Bad
Loved the pilot, but the two-parter that followed was such a drag. Now that critics are calling it the second best show on TV (behind Mad Men, natch), I should probably see how episode 4 looks.

4. Better Off Ted
I said back when it premiered that I'd check in if this show gained any buzz. It's earned a second season, so should I?

5. The Big Bang Theory
A very conventional sitcom premise from the creator of Two and a Half Men? Why is this on my list? Well, cause critics can't stop talking about it. Anyone care to explain why?

Want to make a case for one of these five, or another show not on the list? If you haven't seen me writing about a show, it's probably fair game. Let me know in the comments.

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