Pros: A feel-good, immensely entertaining movie that everyone is bound to enjoy. Plus, it's a likely Best Picture nominee.
Cons: Still in limited release, it's hard to find outside New York and LA. With a third in Hindi, not a good choice for the subtitle reading-impaired.

Pros: It's a big, romantic epic that Baz Luhrmann intended to be for the whole family to see after Thanksgiving. And Oprah loved it.
Cons: A 2 hour, 45 minute running time and a Rotten Tomatoes score of 51% makes this a bad choice when on triptophan.

Pros: Amazing reviews (92% on Rotten Tomatoes). Likely Best Picture nominee. Couldn't be more topical.
Cons: Very limited release. Not a happy ending.

Pros: It's Bond. James Bond.
Cons: At least in my family, Bond movies are more of a male outing than something for the whole family. Also, the reviews have been decidedly mixed.

Pros: Good reviews. Supposed to be funny. The kind of lightweight comedy that might be fun on Thanksgiving.
Cons: Trailer doesn't look great, and the humor's probably not the kind your parents will enjoy.

Pros: See pros for Role Models above.
Cons: Do you really want to see a movie called Zack and Miri Make a Porno with your parents?

Pros: Made a ton of money. Your teenage sister/mom is really into the books.
Cons: What guy would agree to see this movie? Only a good idea if male family members split up to see Quantum of Solace.

Pros: The most obvious pick for a family movie. Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon are a watchable pair.
Cons: Looks terrible. 19% on Rotten Tomatoes. It's way too early for Christmas movies.

Pros: Good reviews (84% Rotten Tomatoes). Family movie.
Cons: If there are no small children in your group, you'll wonder why you're there.
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